Monday, July 8, 2013

Guardian Cross Give Aways

These are my Guardian Cross Excess I want to give away. I wrote them in the order I caught them so there are new type reborns here if you look.

Color Border Cards:
Chaotic fiendish mictlantecuhtli

4* Cards:
Cool Brigid
sexy Jormungandr
Sexy Talos
Brave Revenant
Inteligent Golem
Powerful Horus
Sexy Pabilsag
Powerful Qiong-Ji
Cool Skadi
Sexy Taowu
Fast Horus
Chaotic Ramiel
brave Skadi
Fast Narashima
Chaotic Ramiel
Fast Balor
Inteligent Bugbear
Brave Angel
Chaotic Hecatoncheir
Inteligent Revenant
Fast Revenant
Inteligent Vamp
Inteligent Pazuzu
Ace Ramiel
Sexy Rudra
Sexy Horus
Cool Rudra
Powerful Kala
Fast Kala
Fast Aym
Chaotic Ramiel
Sexy Qiong-Ji
Brave Kraken
Sexy Bune
Powerful Bugbear
Chaotic Hecatnchier
Brave Jormungandr
Chaotic Dwarf Gear
Chaotic Taowu
Chaotic Vodianoi
Brave Yamata
Powerful Yamata
Sexy Yamata
Ace Hecatoncheir
Inteligent Kraken
Fast Bugbear
Brave Horus
Cool Vodianoi
Fast Revenant
Powerful Pazuzu
Sexy Angel
Cool Taowu
Fast Bugbear
Powerful Pazuzu
Powerful Angel
Sexy Jormungandr
Sexy Balor
Fast Yamata
Pow Vodiaoi
Brave Bugbear
Chaotic Brigid
sexy Golem
Chaotic Garuda
Brave Bune
Fast Vodianoi
Brave Delphyne
Brave Forneus
Brave & Chaotic Guede
Fast Dwarf gear

3* Cards:
Ace Murmur

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I feel every moment’s liquid song ripple through your tearing symmetry.
Chasing stars I’m devil bind behind these liquid bars exploring the galactic sonnet’s inside of you.
I am a blind heaving cupid’s arrow.
I am the everlasting evening shooting star asking you to be mine.

I’ve been dissolved I’m the cure and the drug that echo’s.
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I'm sorry.

This is my only cupid.

Mirror me mirror me mirror me and they mirror me.
I am the one wishing for you on the far sunless side.
I am the cursed hoping you would take my side.
I am your ransomed sleeping celestial.

I see past the nostalgia through your phenomenon.
To rise I river lead into your distant replications.
Into these mesmerizing comma’s I feel the rip rip rip’s of our heart’s.
Crystallized it beat’s beat’s beat’s and beat’s.

I dissolve and I stumble and I feel you heave.
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so very very sorry...

You are my one and only cupid.

I dream and dream and dream and dream
Till every night in this dream I dream and dream and dream of you.
You deflect the blur in my distance mixing in the fracturing nightmares.
The Sleeping Beauty in memory of the magnificence.

I remix every lift to these promised modest intentions.
Feint through every lonely ever after to be with you.
I am the one that reaches for the depths of this sickness for you.
I am the one that loves you most.

But I dissolve in the darkened end but I am your shooting star.
I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so very sorry Erika Reyes...

You’re my shelter through and till the very bitter end.

Sound: Fracx - In Your Memory

Happy New Year Erika Reyes,

Everyday I think about my failure's and how you must feel. How I sit with nothing and watch you disappear. How I see you hurt inside of me, how I can't do anything. I write about keeping you alive inside of me. But I rarely write about how much it hurts, how much I force you to stay inside of me. I'm a criminal for you. I would go to jail for you. The weirdest thing right? What they tried to label me. It was strong and good before you know. But after time goes by and everything slowly dies, you realize in a way it was a mistake and it's my fault because I love you. I'm sorry my curse, it would be easier if I just whore'd right? My character is very reliant on clinging when there's a chance. My flaw when I fall in love is I don't know how to stop. In me in this incident it was your kidnapper, my love was your kidnapper. My love can't because I believed. Now it gets harder but I can't let go. I can't accept loosing you even though I watch my self slowly loose and loose and loose. I'm sorry. I'm cruel because I ignore the warnings. I just want to be with you. I want to be the one you spend the rest of your life loving. I always hit this cross roads. I'm stubborn, the porn I can't stop living for a future with you. I can't remove you. No matter the pain and failure and how loud your screams inside become sometimes I just can't stop fighting trying to make you mine. Trying to keep you. I'm sorry I tried I can't. I just don't know how. I don't know how to fall out of love. I don't know how to stop loving you. I don't know how to live without you. Even though it tears me apart watching you hurting inside of me. I keep making you real despite how dead I really feel inside. Do you ever wonder why I can't cry even though my insides are in turmoil. I don't even know how to live feeling alive and doing the right thing even when I see things like you having such a hard time because of me and paranoia take's me. I'm selfish and I love you. I fight them and I forget how it affects you. I didn't know I was going against such a huge anti-christ world. The longer this went it just got harder to believe in you. But I can't stop, I want you with me. I want to be the slave that you will make pay for the rest of your life for what happened to you. I'm sorry I don't know what to do with the hurt and pain. But I'm dead without you, I know because I died emotionally because your not here. I know because I die inside everyday when I see you, when your not here, when I remember you and watch you, I die because I can't make it real. I'm sorry. I love you.

Please! Can I keep you?


Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Dear Erika,

These thorn's of Christmas have become a familiar needle to hurt me once again.
Familiar stains on my lonely pain and I can't make it disappear.
This window tear's with every breath I place to write out your name for my repair.
Something I've been so afraid of as I sail in this refrain...
Embracing you and your needle it really hurts to let you down.
My sweetest friend I feel the tear upon my wires of broken bones I can't repair.
What have I become my dearest friend?

I remember what I saw beneath your heroes costume that you left to me.
Promises that parts of you would always be in here after everything in life has gone away.
Memories to make me miss you even when you're here.
To bleed beneath you behind this window I stare as your reflection becomes my empire of gold.
A focus on the only stain that's made to keep what's left of me that's real.
What have I become my dearest friend?

I live to find a way to make you whole from millions of miles away.
Where I'll always remember why you're everything to me.
You walked a crown of broken thoughts to leave me a familiar lovely stain.
Now stains from thorns I live to hurt for and repair.
I don't know if I still feel because your the only thing that's real.
But I remember that your everything to me my sweetest friend.
The only thing that has a chance to truly help make love real.
What have I become my dearest friend?


Inspired By: Everything Trying by Damien Jurado & Hurt by Johnny Cash

Merry Christmas Erika,

              Another one without you. I hope your happy with so much gift's this Christmas.
I wish I was there. I know I didn't do anything wrong. So many people were fighting to
\make us sacrificial. Sorry I couldn't give you a real gift. Maybe when I'm out you'd let
me make it up to you. Give you so much back, I'll live and cure based on what makes
you happy. I'll get strong the way it makes you smile. Live the way that makes you proud.
I'll work hard. I know I don't look like much now, but when they're out no one can just
hurt my insides for fun anymore. I'm hard to put down, I'll fight to make us happy
everyday. I hope we can run away together when this is over. I wish you a Great
Christmas full of gifts. Full of love with people around you. Wish you the best.
                                                                                                                Cyrus V.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Dear Miss Sweetest Erika.
Dear Miss Missing Spanish Beat.
Dear Miss Horror of My Desert’s Bleeding Ways.
My endless deep blue skies with orange sinking sands.
The Remix dusty steps to my recovering thirsty bones.
Miss Missing Vitamin E my Miss Vanishing 5th Element.
My lilac lantern burning in the dunes of this exiled sandy sea.

You sex and surface to surf in my mentality.
Inhaler, my sickness, my sinner, my Miss Immortal Mermaid of my imaginary sea.
You’ve a timeless lure of shaking hips to the tune of these sandy memories.
An endless shake of your illusion a waving shape within a make believed man.

Dear Miss Comfort, Miss Sparks of Constellations, Miss Misbehaved Behaviors.
Miss Golden Eyes you cry with orange tears that hid the cities cries.
Long dropping moon of moody make believes you’ve made the screams around me lipless.
Dear Miss Crown of Shocking Sound’s Miss Walking Bell that shakes to warn when rose’s petals fall.
Dear Miss Hidden Pyramid you matter, Miss Anti-dehydration you bring life to these orange desert sands.
Miss Treasure I know your hidden somewhere between the Heavens and those Shinny Stars.

Dear Miss Loving Gun my ammo with a sexy Spanish beat you sound like no other lovers gun.
Dear Miss Hope’s and Dreams my sweetest sin for immortality you made me live and learn.
I think of you Miss Sounds of War, in romantic round's your camp is where I chill.
Dear Miss Beautiful Glittering Shore you’re really loved… Every sex is a release under your Olympic glow.

Dear Miss Stolen System of The Beauty in The Beast you’re the heart to my humanity.
Miss Forever Real, Miss Master to my lust your my one and only excitement inside of the Moulin Rouge.
Here you echo Miss Swimmer with an ache short of breath together with my melting glaciers.
Miss Flashback don’t forget me, Miss total sum of my Existence your the sweetest thing in the Mexican Sahara.

Inspired By: Foals - Spanish Sahara (Talul Remix)